Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Progression of Morality Essay

Throughout the centuries, morality has guided the beliefs and actions of families as well as societies. It has brought them together but it has also torn them apart. These beliefs continue to be a dominant force throughout many societies, affecting everything from what people wear to how they behave. The progression of morality has been a powerful basis for societies. The spectrum of greater access to the ideas and customs of different cultures, because of technology mass media and entertainment, especially television, has resulted in a diverse cultural blending. As cultural ideas move with people among cultures, some beliefs seem to have a greater effect than others. Blending of Morality In the 21st century, ideas from the West have been one of the dominant forces in shaping cultures in many parts of the world. The United States domination of the worldwide mass media has influenced different cultures significantly, leaving behind a legacy of western customs and ideas. The English language is also spoken globally, mainly because of Europe’s history of colonization in the Americas, Asia, and Africa. It has emerged as one of the premier international languages. English is the most common language used on the Internet and is responsible, in part, for the emergence of a dynamic global culture. Western business suits are standard uniforms among many people. McDonald’s hamburgers and Coca-Cola soft drinks can be purchased in many countries around the world. Many Disney characters are now commonly recognized because of Human World Views: HUM 360 Walt Disney theme park locations in Paris, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. These examples of common dress, food, and entertainment all originate from America and are incorporated into other cultures. Western influence has also affected ways of thinking as well in many cultures with the expansion of materialism. This American mindset of placing high value on acquiring material possessions seems to have been adopted by many people of different cultures. Conflicts of Morality There have also been many historical conflicts among people of different racial, national, linguistic, or cultural groups. Some ethnic or religious groups have had moral issues that reach back for decades and, in some, for centuries. Examples of such conflicts would be â€Å"the troubles† between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland (McKittrick & McVea, 2002) and the hostilities between Palestinians and Jews in the Middle East. People caught in these conflicts, that have been characterized by terrible violence, sometimes suffered torture or massacres of their whole towns or villages. An exemplification of such extreme immoral behavior is the violence imposed on the Kurds, a nomadic group in southwest Asia. For decades, Kurds have wanted their own separate country. But because their traditional lands cross the borders of three nations, it’s been an unsettling issue (McDowall, 2004). The Turks have responded to the Kurdish nationalism by forbidding Kurds to speak their native language. The Iranians have also persecuted the Kurds, attacking them over religious issues. In the late 1980’s, the Iraqis used chemical weapons on the Kurds, known as the Halabja Massacre or Bloody Friday , killing around 5,000 people (Esteri, 2012). Throughout history and present day, morality has played an important role in bringing people together. It has also, at times, driven them apart. Morality guides the beliefs and behaviors of its members. Whatever emotions it prompts, morality remains one of the most powerful influential forces on mankind in the world. ?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Final Paper African Americans Essay

Through out history there has been a struggle for African Americans to be accepted in our society. An African American endures many more disadvantages than most white people. The media and other sources have made blacks to look the same and has portrayed them in a certain light that may not be fitting to all blacks. There are many misconceptions that people have of blacks. Many people and organizations have had a part in bringing equality and fighting for equal rights for black people. African Americans have been at a huge disadvantage in America from the beginning. Unlike many other minority groups in America, African Americans in many cases were brought here by force and not by there own will. (000000) The first African Americans came to America in the seventeenth century and were immediately forced to work for Whites. After much turmoil and even a civil war Blacks were finally given there freedom with the Emancipation proclamation signed and ratified in 1863. Even after the proclamation some blacks were still enslaved and freed blacks had little to no opportunity. The struggle continued into the next century as blacks finally received the right to vote with the ratification in of the 15th amendment. The 20th century contained a world filled by a segregated America between whites and blacks through jim crow laws that existed that restricted blacks from interacting with whites. With a history like that it is no wonder that African Americans still have disadvantages in our modern day. America today is known as the country of opportunity. Although there are many opportunities out there it seems that there are more opportunities for some groups more than others. Many companies and corporations still use race as a indicator for hiring employees. In one study done by the National Bureau of Economic Research, people with common black names were less likely to be called back for an interview based on there application alone then black people with common white sounding names. Job applicants with white sounding names needed to send out ten applications to get one call back while applications with common black names needed to send out about fifteen to get one reply. (Francis, www. nber. org/ The research was done withe resumes of the same qualifications. It is easy to see that Black people are constantly bombarded by inequality in the work force. If there were inequalities just based on names of applicants just imagine the inequality when employers actually see the race of the applicants. Black Americans have been stereotyped for years and continue to be today. The media is one great source of portraying African Americans in certain roles. African Americans are portrayed as criminals, drug dealers and sex offenders in many instances. Many Africans are outraged at how they are portrayed in the media. Protest groups such as the Young African Americans Against Media Stereotypes have done what they can to show there stance on stereotypical media portrayal. â€Å"Majority of the time you see a young African-American male in the media he is singing, rapping, scoring a touchdown, dunking a basketball or committing a crime†( http://www. yaaams. com/) Many stereotypes about black people are incredibly false. Many people still think that black people are only good at certain things like music and sports. This is a very false belief and black people have contributed heavily to all different sorts of fields. Many vital inventions that we use on an everyday bases were invented by black people. The dust mop, pencil sharpener, typewriter, and elevator were all invented by black people. (http://www. black-network. com) Our society would not be what it is if it were not for Garret Morgan, the young Black man who invented the traffic light. http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmcensus1. html.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Access the internal control of Shangri-la company

Access the internal control of Shangri-la company Access the internal control of Shangri-la company Internal control is defined as Systematic measures that been used by accountant and auditor to make sure the goals is achieved, conduct the business in efficient matter, safeguard of asset, to ensure that rules and regulation is being followed, completeness and accuracy of financial record and produce reliable and timely financial and management information. There are a few matters that Shangri-la concerning about of internal control such as: a. Completeness and accurancy of financial record. Shangri-la company use a system to ensure of appropriateness of business operation of the Group consisting of the Company and its subsidiaries. Chief Executive Officer of the company which is Mr Lim Beng Chee should discovered the fact and any decision that may cause a substantial damage, or act in violation of the laws, regulations or the Articles of incorporation and other acts outside the scope of the purpose to ensure that proper operation of subsidiaries is well-managed. In addition it also help to ensure the proper operation of subsidiary companies so that the reliability of financial reports by performing the maintenance, construction of internal control system in accordance with the financial statements, together with ongoing assessment, carried out necessary corrections if there are deficiencies, management shall appropriate the Company and to ensure. b. Ensure that rules and regulation is being followed. Shangri-la company always ensure that their operating business followed the rules. Information Management will make sure that they are following regulation and security guideline about Rules on the handling of personal data, Personal information protection regulation, and Information security policy by proper managing of important document. c. Ensure that the goals of company is achieved.Promote agile decision-making by the executive officers of small and further strengthen executive power. Set up the goals and objective of company so that the employee will understand and help employee achieved the company objectivity. d. The management and operating manager should segregate duties amongst executive officers and employee.The manager should divide the duties and work among their staff to make sure that objective of company is achieved. Shangri-la set up the goals for every department and their staff know their roles and responsibility for the company. e. Safeguard of asset. Shangri-la company established Risk Management Regulation clarify the department responsible for each risk category, endeavor to establish a risk management system. Established a management meeting risk, together with the corresponding consultation on matters relating to risk management, internal control report to the Commission on a regular basis for other conditions.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE - Essay Example The pilot group will usually undergo the clinical trial, while the control group is barely affected. By using the confidence interval function, the researcher will possibly avoid erroneous conclusions that the pilot and control group have the same result in case non-significant results are reported. Furthermore, the pilot study in this case measured the Critical Reading of Research Journals Plus teachings with nurses in intensive care units. The purpose for the study was to determine whether the experience of improved education, from published research, would improve nurses’ research self-efficiency. Swenson-Britt and Reineck (2009) show that, the statistical significance from the pilot study by conducting a paired t-test, there is an increase on three out of the four subscales in research self-efficiency. However, the clinical significance from this study reveals that using a course may or may not improve research self-efficacy of nurses under practice (Swenson-Britt & Reineck, 2009, p. 460-461). While including a mentor would most probably improve the result, the clinical significance conclusion seems weaker. In conclusion, researcher may rely on one of the two contrasting approaches to decision making-the clinical significance or statistical significance. The former seems to hinge on the researcher’s judgmental interpretation and accuracy, while the latter seems to be robust in my opinion. This is because statistical significance over a long time has proved to be uncorrelated to research findings and has exhibited greater accuracy in its approach. Swenson-Britt, E., & Reineck, C. (January 01, 2009). Research education for clinical nurses: a pilot study to determine research self-efficacy in critical care nurses. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40, 10,

Critical Approaches to the Online Learning Assignment

Critical Approaches to the Online Learning - Assignment Example Professor Michael Porter, supported the idea of creating the online courses with the condition that it should be run in a manner that doesn’t ruin the class-room concept of study. Professor Porter puts it simple and clear: â€Å"A company must stay the course, even in times of upheaval, while constantly improving and extending its distinctive positioning† (Useem). The theory of Porter holds that the programs that exists need not be disrupted in any form on the other hand the online learning should be introduced as an additional program (Useem). This theory holds that an introduction of the new program should be a way of reinforcing the strategy that is already in place.Leading University departments like the Harvard Business School have opted on the Porter’s theory in the expense of Christensen’s. Instead of disrupting the traditional Masters in Business Administration and the programs that relate to executive education; online education is introduced as a n option in the business education sector (Porter).Professor Clayton Christensen believed that for universities to be more competitive and lead in the market, they are to disrupt the ‘old model’ of teaching and embrace the online method (Porter). This is seen as a method that will embrace technological changes and the same time increase the number increases the number of students that are reached per lecture. Professor Christensen believes that through the disruptive approach the process will be less costly and simple.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Management 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management 2 - Essay Example The Chairman outlines the activities and financial conditions of the firm in the previous year followed by his/her discussion on hopes and future plans for the firm. In this part of the annual report, the Chairman attempts to explain why the company’s operations resulted in the results mentioned and why it chooses to advance with new projects or policies. In a nutshell, the statement or report is mainly a promise or explanation for company activities by the Chairman and its Board of Directors to the stockholders. However, the questions are: Why do they need the reports? What do the stockholders do with them? And more importantly, what do they do to deserve an explanation? To answer these questions, one has to firstly understand the concept of stockholder’s equity. When an individual goes to the market and buys stocks, he/she basically buys ownership! A corporation is basically a public-owned enterprise. By declaring itself a corporation, the company or enterprise is selling itself to the public. This is done by the company to essentially generate more money and finances. When it becomes a corporation, the company is actually giving the stockholders a right or privilege to vote for the Board of Directors. The elected Board of Directors is then responsible to make decisions about the company and see where and how the company can maximize the profits. The stockholders then gain from the profits. The stockholders do not directly earn the profit but are given dividends instead. These dividends are paid annually, every year except when the company is going in loss to an extent that it even fails to pay back the liabilities it has borrowed. At such times, the liabilities are preferred and paid first and the remaining is given as dividends to the stockholders. To further understand the relationship between the company and the stockholders, Walt Disney Corporation will be used as a case for analysis and descriptive explanation. But, before

Friday, July 26, 2019

Global News Agenda Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Global News Agenda - Essay Example When they launched the Al-Jazeera international, their assumed audience became the Arabs and the world at large (Cushion and Lewis 2010). The construction of news to their assumed audience however does not reflect the main aim of launching the media house. This is because diversity does not mean constructing news which reflects distant suffering and violence. Al-Jazeera do construct news not to reflect the ideas of people out their but they construct news in a way in which they portray different instances as though they were speaking out of their own views. Construction of its assumed audience Argument against the construction of its assumed audience Though some of the news constructed by Al-Jazeera meets the aims of which the TV was set up of focusing on development of world issues, most of them do not meet this aims as they are constructed not to bring in diversity but to portray the suffering of other people from other countries (Ginneken 1998). Even though, Al-Jazeera is global n ews form, most of its aims are not met by the construction of its news to its target audience. ... America’s summit ends in acrimony 2. Israel soldier suspended for gun-butt attack 3. Taliban assault on Afghan Capital ‘over’ 4. Breivik says not guilty over the killings in Norway Looking at these media articles, one will get a negative picture of the individual and the countries depicted. The four articles seem to bring the development of world issues to the door step of the assumed audience and also bring diversity to the Arab News. However, the ‘them’ versus ‘us’ is evident in the four articles, and it may have negative consequences like economic consequences to the assumed target (Malek & Kavoori 2000). The Al-Jazeera international news is watched all over the globe, and this means that these four articles have been watched globally and the individual and countries affected may suffer economically due to withdrawal effect from the other countries. The articles paint a bad picture of the individual and the countries and no one would e ver like to be associated with people with a bad image or even invest in a country which has political disability or one with wars(Burton 2010). The satellite TV news is sponsored by Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa. The reasons for his sponsorship are to shore up the Western support in case of any attack. His sponsorship is also a show of his commitment to making Qatar progressive Islamic states that welcome the western investment and to build a global Muslim identity and Tran’s national Islamic imagined community. Judging from the reasons as to why the satellite news were formed, it is evident that the Al-Jazeera the main interest were the Arabs and more so the people of Qatar and that is why the media house reports ‘bad’ things on other countries. In

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Simple report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Simple report - Term Paper Example The text book was not easy to understand. I had to consult a number of sources in order to comprehend the concepts presented in the text book. Online sources like webibliography were particularly useful in clearing my ambiguities and misconceptions regarding writing. The Writing Center provides an individual with the opportunity to attend a conference online in which he/she can have one-to-one conversation with a writing expert on a piece of expository writing. I find report writing a very time consuming activity. A lot of time goes into deciding the subject of writing and brainstorming so as to acquire a whole range of ideas before the writing can actually be commenced. I find this exercise very lethargic. The process of writing was particularly difficult for me because English is not my mother tongue. It gets very hard to organize wild thoughts into a coherent argument when it is to be done in a second language. Therefore, in an attempt to improve the quality of my work, I would ask my friends to have a look at it and point out the mistakes before I forwarded the final version to the mentor for grading. In addition to that, I used to communicate with my friends in no other language but English all the time with a view to achieving fluency in speaking English and becoming confident with its use in speech and in writing. Now, that I have been through this class, I notice a lot of improvement in my writing skills. Although my current self-grading i.e. 4 and 5 out of 10 is remarkably low, yet it is much better than the scores of 1 and 2 which used to reflect my competence in writing before I took this course. I am positive that a little practice every day would drastically improve these scores. I have organized the improvements I now notice in my writing ability after this course below: I maintain the lines of communication with my colleagues so as to establish the goals of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Evolution of the internet and the impacts on travel agencies Assignment

Evolution of the internet and the impacts on travel agencies - Assignment Example In the essay "Evolution of the Internet and the impacts on Travel Agencies" outlines how Internet changed the way how travel agencies work. For instance, now customers can directly access the internet sites and can book the tickets within a quick period of time. There are several negative impacts of the evolution of information technology on the travel agencies too. Third party cost is the major business barrier of several airlines, hotels, and restaurants. Therefore, the organizations had to pay a commission rate to these travel agents. These activities automatically increase the business operation cost. Nowadays, people can book their tickets on their own through online networking sites without any kind of help of third parties. The implementation of online strategies helped the organizations and customers in several ways. It can reduce the business operation cost for the organizations. The travel agents can get, store and provide a large number of data and information. On the other hand, implementation of online ticketing strategies helps the organizations to reduce third-party booking costs so that they can provide low fare tickets to the customers. People of several developed countries generally prefer online booking of tickets and leisure facilities. It is true that US is technologically developed country. Recent financial crisis and economic recession affected the global economic environment. Low disposable income of people and limited purchasing power are the major consequences of this economic slowdown. Earlier, during the Brick-and-mortar age organizations had to effectively rely upon the third party business partners in order to increase their sales margin. On the other hand, customers also had to depend upon these third party individuals to book

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The War against Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The War against Terrorism - Essay Example United States has primarily used its military in the fight against terrorism. Military is the final frontier of fight for every nation when every other alternative has been used and exhausted. The use of military in the fight against a faceless enemy was not justified. The fight against terrorism requires much more than brute force which the military is capable of delivering the war on terror should have been fought by USA with the help of intelligence agencies and backchannel diplomacy and not by parading the US military strength in nation after nation. This paper will analyze the above thesis statement and try to prove its validity. THE NATURE OF WAR The first important thing to note about this was on terror is that this war is unlike any other which has been fought in the human history. It is not a war against a nation or a political regime; it is certainly not a war against a particular religion. The enemy in this war is terrorism – premeditated violence against innocent citizens who do not have the ability to fight back when they are attacked. People engaging in terrorism want to effect change through violence and fear; they want to subvert the rule of law and the idea of freedom. As there is no one enemy in this war; the war cannot be won by United States only on the basis of military might. The war is to be fought using every instrument of national power – diplomatic, economic, intelligence and military.... As there is no one enemy in this war; the war cannot be won by United States only on the basis of military might. The war is to be fought using every instrument of national power – diplomatic, economic, intelligence and military. This war is against a faceless enemy (Mukasey). The biggest danger in this war is that using too much military might may create much more enemies then it will destroy; so it is a war in which diplomacy has and will play a very important role ; military alone cannot win the war. STRUCTURE OF TERRORITS ORGANISATIONS AND ROLE OF MILITARY. As is the case in any war, the key to success is to know your enemy. Once the enemy is known to us, we can decide on the methods to be used in fighting him. Terrorist organizations did not start with Al Qaeda nor will the end with it. Although terrorist organizations are different in the way they operate and the reasons for which they have undertaken terrorist activities they still follow a basic model which allows them to succeed. At the bottom of the terrorist structure are the underlying conditions. These are the basic reasons why people are ready to blow themselves up as suicide bombers. These underlying reasons may be political, poverty, lack of education and proper knowledge or anger against the state or a particular group. Without these underlying conditions there will be no terrorists. People who are aggrieved or wronged in the past are most likely to become terrorists. Poverty also propels some people to terrorism. However people who are in terrorism for the sake of money usually provide the logistics such as safe houses and money transfers. The foot soldiers of

The Russian Revolution Essay Example for Free

The Russian Revolution Essay The Russian Revolution was not merely a culmination of event from 1905-19-17, but was the result of political, economic and social conditions from centuries of corrupt tsarist rule.The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. It sparked the beginning of a new era in Russia that had effects on countries around the world.The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one of the most significant events in the 20th century. It completely changed the government and outlook on life in the very large country of Russia. The events of the revolution were a direct result of the conflict in World War I. Many problems had led to the debilitating situation in the early 20th century for explain like social, economic and political conditions led to the Russian Revolution. For the social conditions Russia needed to educate the population. Many peasants were hungry and starving caused many to die of starvation. Many peasants were unskilled and forced into labor. Also A large majority of the population was illiterate meaning didnt know how to read and write, so many were jobless and uneducated. Factory owners wanted workers who knew how to read and write and factories were looking for more skilled workers. According to Document 3 unskilled workers had dedication but were forced into factories with dangerous conditions. Also according to Document 2 the Communist government wanted to take away illiteracy which affected city workers . But then as early as 1919 a campaign was started to remove illiteracy . In 1921 school were built in factories and were offered to construct basic reading, writing and arithmetic lessons.The education of the people led to the growing popularity of several anti-Czarist groups. Another condition that affected the situation was Political Russia’s Army was extremely weak, made mainly of peasants, and the cost of war was weighing down on the citizens of Russia. In reality, Czars Nicholas II had no ability to be a ruler, and proved himself to be politically incapable of governing a country. Starvation and poor living conditions lined the streets of homeless families. Many people were unemployed, and  those who were faced terrible conditions when they were working.Czar Nicholas II was a firm believer that his power to rule was granted by Divine Right, Nicholas assumed that the Russian people were devoted to him with unquestioning loyalty. This belief rendered Nicholas unwilling to allow the progressive reforms that might have made the suffering of the Russian people die down.Dissatisfaction with Tsar Nicholas II culminated in the huge national disturbance, that followed the Bloody Sunday massacre of January 1905, in which hundreds of unarmed protesters were shot by the Tsars troops. Workers responded to the massacre with a crippling general strike. This led to the growing population of several anti-czarist groups There.were also social democrats, such as the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Both groups aimed to overthrow the Czar and create a socialist state, they had the support of students and workers, but the main differences were in the organization of the parties. The Bolsheviks, believed in a small, secret, disciplined party of professional revolutionists who would seize power when the time was right. They planned revolutionary cells of three or four people who would organize strikes and demonstrations in factories. Among these people was Vladimir Ulyanov, better as Lenin. He was a devoted Bolshevik who was exile to in Siberia after being arrested for his action in a Marxist group Marxism is a political ideology often known as Marxism-Leninism. It marked the beginning of the spread of communism in the 20th century. The Mensheviks, believed the party should be a mass organization which all workers could join. This mass party would grow until it eventually took power. Among these the Mensheviks was Lev Bronstein, better known as Trotsky. Trotsky was a kulak, a rich peasant..Later on, he became the Menshevik chairman. One more condition that affected the situation was economic At the same time, peasant life and culture was changing constantly. Change was facilitated by the physical movement of growing numbers of peasant villagers who migrated to and from industrial and urban environments, but also by the introduction of city culture into the village through material goods. Workers also had good reasons for dissatisfaction overcrowded housing with often disgraceful sanitary conditions, long hours at work 10-hour workday six days a week was the average and many were working 11–12 hours a day by 1916, constant risk of injury and death from very poor safety and sanitary conditions, harsh  discipline (not only rules and fines, but foremen’s fists), and poor wages. At the same time, urban industrial life was full of benefits, though these could be just as dangerous, from the point of view of social and political stability, as the hardships. Acquiring new skills gave many workers a sense of self-respect and confidence, heightening expectations and desires. Living in cities, workers encountered material goods such as they had never seen while in the village. Most important, living in cities, they were exposed to new ideas about the social and political order. The soviet state from the early 1920s through the 1930s had many problems that led to the revolution. Stalin missed much of the activity leading up to the Russian Revolution in 1917 because he was exiled to Siberia from 1913 to 1917. Upon his release in March of 1917, Stalin resumed his role as a Bolshevik leader. By the time he was reunited with Lenin, who also returned to Russia a few weeks after Stalin, Czar Nicholas II had already step down from is thrown as part of the February Russian Revolution. With the czar removed, the Provisional Government was in charge. Lenin and Stalin, however, wanted to break the Provisional Government and install a Communist one, con trolled by the Bolsheviks. Feeling that the country was ready for another revolution, Lenin and the Bolsheviks began a nearly bloodless coup on October 25, 1917. In just two days, the Bolsheviks had taken over Petrograd, the capital of Russia, and then became the leaders of the country. By 1927, Stalin had effectively eliminated all of his political rivals (and exiled Trotsky) to emerge as the head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Lenin wanted a worldwide communist revolution stalin only wants to increase the power to the soviet union. Stalins willingness to use brutality to achieve political aims was well established by the time he took power; nevertheless, the Soviet Union was unprepared for the extreme violence and oppression that Stalin unleashed in 1928. This was the first year of Stalins Five Year Plan, a radical attempt to bring the Soviet Union into the industrial age. Stalin’s Five Year Plans started a farming revolution. The government took control of farms and combined them to make government owned farms called collective farms. According to Document 5 it shows how Stalins first Five Year Plan worked how the government took control over everything like electricity coal ,oil, pig iron, steel. Alson in Document 6 too it shows how the USSRs collectivization affected  agricultural production in soviet union. As in conclusion Social , Economic and Political conditions affected the Situation and it led to the Russian Revolution. Some of those conditions had a positive affects and also a negative affect.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Italian Aggression in Abyssinia Essay Example for Free

Italian Aggression in Abyssinia Essay Background: Benito Mussolini was the dictator of Italy. He wanted to increase Italian influence in Abyssinia (today’s Ethiopia). Long before Mussolini came to power, Italy had tried to take over Abyssinia in 1896 and had suffered an embarrassing defeat. Mussolini wanted revenge for this defeat. He also wanted the natural resources of Abyssinia. Mussolini dreamed of building a big empire for Italy that would be like the ancient Roman Empire. The attack: In 1934, Mussolini made plans to invade Abyssinia. The Emperor of Abyssinia, Haile Selassie, asked the League of Nations for help. Between January and October 1935, Mussolini held talks with the League about avoiding a war in Abyssinia. However, he continued to prepare his army for an invasion of Abyssinia. In October 1935, Mussolini began a full-scale invasion of Abyssinia. The Italian Army had an advantage because it was more modern than the Abyssinian Army. The Italians had guns and planes, while the Abyssinians had spears and bows. What the League did: The League held a meeting to discuss the crisis in Abyssinia. The League’s members had a long debate before deciding that they would stop selling their goods to Italy. However these goods only included rubber and metal. The League took a longer time to decide if it should ban the export of oil to Italy. The League had another way of stopping the war. The fastest way for Italy to send Italian troops and supplies to Abyssinia was by ship and these ships had to pass through the Suez Canal to get to there. The Suez Canal was under British control, so the British could have blocked the Italian ships that were on their way to Abyssinia. However, they did not do this as they thought it would lead to war with Italy. British Foreign Minister Samuel Hoare and French Foreign Minister Pierre Laval held secret talks with Mussolini. They wanted to avoid a war, so they were willing to give Mussolini two-thirds of Abyssinia if he withdrew his troops. Britain and France called it the Hoare-Laval Plan. News of these talks was leaked by the French press. People in Britain and France were angry that their governments had not stopped the Italian invasion. They forced their governments to drop their plan to give Italy control of Abyssinia. The fighting in Abyssinia continued, so Mussolini turned to Hitler for help. Italy completed its takeover of Abyssinia in May 1936. Reasons for adopting policy of appeasement Reason 1 * How can anyone forget World War 1? If we do not make peace with Hitler today, then there will be another war in Europe and millions of young men will die. We are willing to give Hitler what he wants as long as it prevents another war in Europe. Reason 2Â  * The British economy was badly damaged by World War 1 and the Great Depression. The government needs to rebuild the economy. The economy would be destroyed by another war. Reason 3 * Germany has modernised its military and is ready to fight a war. Britain and France are not ready. Appeasement will give us more time to modernise our armies. Reason 4 * We are having problems in many parts of our big empire. The colonies, like India and Palestine, want independence. We do not have the troops to keep order in our colonies and fight a war in Europe at the same time. Reason 5Â  * Britain and France cannot win a war against Germany. We can only win if the USA supports us. However, the USA is currently following a policy of isolation. It won’t get involved with other nations. Reason 6Â  * Most Britons feel that Communism is a far greater threat than Nazism. A strong Germany will prevent Communism from spreading to Central and Western Europe. Reason 7 * Many Britons believe that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair to Germany. Hitler is merely making this treaty less unfair. Once these problems are solved, Germany will become a peaceful nation again. The Munich Agreement Chamberlain went to Germany three times in September 1938 to ask Hitler not to start a war in Europe. At the first meeting on 15 September, Hitler said that he only wanted those parts of the Sudetenland where there were many Germans and only if they voted to join Germany. Chamberlain felt that Hitler’s request was reasonable. On 19 September, the British and the French informed the Czechs of the outcome of the meeting and that it was agreed to let Hitler have certain parts of the Sudetenland. At the second meeting on 22 September, Hitler said that he wanted all of the Sudetenland. He said the Czech government was ill-treating the Germans living there. It looked as if Hitler was ready to go to war at any moment. The British Army was mobilized but Chamberlain was still determined to avoid war. He wanted a third meeting. The third meeting, arranged by Mussolini, was held in Munich, Germany on 29 September. Representatives from Britain, France, Italy and Germany attended the meeting, which was called the Munich Conference. Czechoslovakia and the USSR were not invited. Britain and France said that they would not stop Germany from taking the Sudetenland. In exchange, Germany promised Britain and France that it would not take any more land in Europe. Chamberlain returned to Britain a very happy man. He had prevented war from breaking out. He said that the Munich Agreement had brought about ‘peace for our time.’ The Course of WW2 in Europe, 1939 – 1945 From 1939 to 1941, Hitler and his allies won many battles. They conquered most of Europe, except Britain. In 1941, Hitler turned East and invaded the USSR. The harsh winter and strong Russian defence forced the Germans to retreat by December 1942. By early 1944, the Soviet Army began to regain most of the land that it had lost. It also liberated the East European countries and the Balkans from the control of German troops. By 1945, it began to move towards Berlin. In the Battle of El Alamein, the Allied powers won and drove the combined forces of the Germans and Italians out of North Africa. They soon moved into Italy through the island of Sicily on 10 July 1943, with the Italian capital of Rome falling to the Allies on 4 June 1944. On 6 June 1944, a multinational force of British, American, Canadian and other Allied soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in Northern France. These amphibious landings became known as the D-Day landings. In August the same year, Paris was freed from Nazi rule. Soviet troops were advancing rapidly into the German capital of Berlin from the East, while the combined British and American forces moved in from the West. On 30 April 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide so that he would not be captured by British, American or Russian troops. On 7 May 1945, Germany’s armies surrendered. The war in Europe was over.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Overview Of Hotel Reservation Software Information Technology Essay

Overview Of Hotel Reservation Software Information Technology Essay If guest want to make reservation, they need to call Hotel Front Office to reserve desired room. In this case, Receptionists have to record all Room information and Customer information which concerns with particular reservation with manually paper based system. Besides, Front Desk processes (Check In, Check Out, etc) have been recorded with paper based system as well. In other words, it can be said that all processes of Front Desk in Hotel are undertaken to run with paper bases system. Thus, Data inconsistent problems are faced due to processing with paper system. Furthermore, data are not easily review as it needs to store huge range of data and problems can occurred when searching associated records. For instance, Front Office Staff will get trouble when they want to search record of customer who stays in hotel over 5 times for discount promotion factors. Thus, people change to use computerized system which is more effective than paper based system. Because of using computerized system, long term record can be review easily and quickly, data security can be limited with authorization procedures and besides, profit and loss record of Hotel can be checked and reviewed by Management level. From these time, Hotel Reservation General Suite are more effective as time over. Why is Hotel Reservation System used in web? The main purpose of hotel reservation system in the web is to become real time processing system. A online hotel reservation software is used by businesses to mechanize their day-to-day operations such as reservations, room bookings, check-ins or check outs. Basically, it serves the purpose of easing out the woes of the hotel management as well as that of the customers, who are extremely important in the hospitality business. A online hotel reservation software is developed for compatibility with the internet. Such online hotel reservation software is used for the purpose of different types of accommodations like Hotels, University accommodation letting, Hotels and Guesthouses, Cabins, Cottages, Villas, Hostels or any other room booking through internet, thus adding to the convenience of the customers. Advantages The online hotel reservation software system helps to boost revenue as it saves processing time and also helps to provide better management in cases of booking system and room reservation. The software application system can be used to manage the daily transactions of a hotel, which includes restaurant billing, reservation billing, check-ins, check outs and a complete accounting section. This type of software is a contemporary solution which has whole variety of detailed modules to cover each function in managing a hotel. With the online hotel reservation software, the bookings and transactions can be done virtually any time of the day and from anywhere in the world. With hotel software installed, the staffing can be reduced significantly by the management and also, because fully functional software is being used, the chances of errors too become nil. 2. Analysis 2.1. Requirements Gathering and Observation Overview This system is currently based on the functionality of Inya Lake Hotel at 37, Kaba Aye, Pagoda Road, Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar. This was built in the 1960. This hotel is situated on the borders of the Inya Lake, just 15 minute drive from the city center and is conveniently close to the airport. As it is one of the great and splendid hotel in yangon, it offers great facilities such as function halls containing events Banquet and conference facilities, wedding with different Package, Dinning, Fitness center, Swimming Pool, Tennis etc. Furthermore, this hotel provides 175 guest rooms raging from Superior to Presidential with fully equipment. Background of the project The name of the hotel is Inya Lake which has 5 types of rooms such as single, double, family, superior. The guests who check-in to the hotel must firstly complete a registration form. Sometimes guests do not directly check-in to the hotel, they reserve type of room they want. And then they check-in to the hotel with their reserved room so that reserved rooms are not available for directly check-in guest until withdrawing reservation Block reservation may be made by travel agents for tour groups. When they arrive, check-in and register procedures are carried out as usual and allocated to their reserved rooms. Check out and payment procedures are also the same as normal guests. Reservation may come from guests or travel agent via telephone. Inya Lake hotel also has restaurant which serve food and meal for guest. Laundry, telephone, and mini bar service are available to the customer. When guest takes these services, associated staff procedure and restaurant bill and send bill to the Front Office department. When guest request check out, receptionist calculate bill and procedure check out bill. Payment is made by guests when they check-out, Bill which contains room charges and other charges is produced to guest. Introduction to System The main responsible person in the Hotel Reservation Processes is Receptionist (Front-Office staff) who needs a system that will enable them to check whether a reservation request is possible record the booking retrieve the booking at the appropriate time. It does not matter how the request for a reservation is made; the system of processing will remain the same. The current system process for reservation is as follows and all of these processes are operating manually; Guest Reservation by telephone, fax, personal Check-in process Check-out process Payment process Guest Reservation First of all, guest reservation process is first phase of the Guest Cycle, in other words Pre-arrival phase which involves activities, for instance, reservation by preferred method (telephone, fax, personal), identification of source of business, prepayment, and other pre-arrival activities. The minimum information require in this process are When? How long? Who? and What type of room? Receptionist have to check at Room List to make sure there is available room to reserve. Consequently, the receptionist will respond with Price, Conditions and other further answers that guest require. After confirming with Room List and Guest, receptionist has to add reservation information in the Reservation Records. Guest Registration Guest Registration process contain in Arrival phase of the Guest Cycle. This process contains identification of guest status, room assignment, rate assignment, establishment of credit. Registration process has two types; registration with prior reservation or registration without reservation. If they have a reservation they will be allocated to a reserved room of the requested type. However, if they have no reservation, they are allocated to an available room which matches their requirements. There is no online payment accept by hotel currently, and customer need to pay advance paid when check in to the hotel. Check-in process After Registration process, check-in procedures carry out, eg. after filling registration form, creation of guest account, issuing of room key and rooming of guest are included in check-in procedures. As for check-in procedures, receptionist has to fill Guest information (Guest account) to the file and record all guest information required. Prepayment task will involve in the check-in procedure by guest preferred method. After issuing room key, check-in procedure is completed. Check-out process In a check-out time, a full list of room charges and unpaid services as well as any prepayments are produced as a bill. The guest pays any outstanding amounts and is issued with a receipt to continue to go payment process. Receptionist has to communicate with other departments such as Food Beverages, Services, Telephone operating, etc to make sure all bill to collect till guest request to check-out (returning room key). Payment process Guest can give their suitable cost by different method in payment process when they are check out from the hotel; Cash, Credit Card, Cheque, Foreign currency. Reporting Process The middle management level can see the operation transaction reports that are reserve, check in, check out and guest. The top management level can see the strategic reports such as which room is mostly check in search by period, which room is mostly reserve search by period, and monthly and yearly report. Fact Finding There are many fact-finding methods. There are observation, record searching, special purpose record searching records, sampling, questionnaires, interview and workshops. Among these, I had used some methods to get required facts and information. Among these, I used some methods to gather the required information. Both Observation and Interviewing are used to get require information. Firstly, I interview with the employees of the InyaLake Hotel to know domain of the organization and what they need. And then I interview with the management level of the InyaLake Hotel to get different requirement with different point of view. After that I collected the require form check out voucher and other external services voucher and so on. Secondly, I used formal or informal observation, and both are equally useful. Formal observation is a planned, conscious approach, which involves watching an operation or procedure for a specific period. But informal observation should be used at all times when investigating user operation. I observed the procedures of currently used system and collected all necessary facts by analyzing documents and interviewing the customers and owner of the system. In addition, I also surf the web from various brands of the not only online hotel reservation software and online front desk software. Prioritization Requirements Requirement should be prioritized. One way to do this by use of the MoScoW rules, MoScoW stands for Must Have requirement are the highest priority functional requirements. Without then the system will be unworkable and useless. These requirements constitute the minimal usable subset of all requirements. For my system, reservation, check in, check out are highest priority. Should Have requirement are the next priority group. In a less time constrained project they would belong to the first group, but the system will be useful and usable without them. For my system, room gallery and external services sub system is that a kind of priority. Could Have requirement are those that can be more easily left out of the increment which is being developed. It means they are going to included later. For my system, expand and inventory control are that kind of requirement. Want to have but will not have this time round requirements are those which can wait until later development takes place. For my system, Payroll for staff is a kind of requirement. Introduction of UML UML or Unified Modelling Language is a multipurpose modelling language that aims to provide a standard for modelling a system. UML consists of various diagrams used to model a system from initial idea to an implement able project. Each model carries the specifications and requirement of that same system from different point of view. For example, the users of a particular system only want to know what the system can do while the designer will design what and how many functions or tasks in that system. But a programmer or engineer needs to know how to perform a particular function or how each task affect each other. All this can be realize using UML diagrams. UML provides standard methods and notation to create these models as well as guideline to transform one model to another model while preserving the consistency between models. UML is a collaboration of several traditional modelling concepts and notation. It is first created by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson during 1994. UML is a non proprietary modelling language but its ownership and evolution responsibility is governed by Object Management Group (OMG). The application of UML is very wide. It is not only used in object oriented systems analysis and design. It is also used widely in all phases of complex software development life cycles, development of many systems engineering, as well as in modelling of many business processes. UML is not dependent on any programming languages and strongly highlight the concept of reuse, layering, partitioning and modularity. In general, UML is design to be flexible, extendable and open to many specific applications or industries. UML provides guideline on how to extend a system using stereotypes method. Introduction to UML Diagram According to the new OMGs information, there are a total of thirteen types of diagrams define in the latest UML 2.0, which is divided into three categories namely static structure, behaviour and interaction. Static structure models include the Class diagram, Object diagram, Component diagram, Composite Structure diagram, Package diagram, and Deployment diagram. Behaviour models include the Use Case diagram, Activity diagram, and State diagram. And lastly interaction models include the Sequence diagram, Communication diagram, Timing diagram, and Interaction Overview diagram. Each of the diagrams serves its own purpose and is strongly related to each other. InyaLake Hotel Use Case Use Case Description Register Customer this use case described to customer register for the system. In other word, it mostly intended for member customer. This use case exist top of the diagram because the other transaction need to work after the registration process. Reserve Room Type this use case identify the booking of the room type. It includes two types of booking that are online and offline. The online booking only performs for registration member and the offline booking carry out for guest. Check In this use case explain for customer check in room when a customer from booking or direct check in. Take Service this use case mean when the customers check in room in hotel, they can request the service form a hotel. After finishing of the request service, the staff will perform their request service. Check Out -this use case describes the customer request check out the room from a hotel. In this process, the system will perform calculation both room charges and service charges. Finally, the system produces a bill for customer. Use Case: Reserve Room Type Primary Scenario 1. The use case starts when a customer enters the reservation link. 2. The system will show login screen. 3. A customer enters the email and password in a login form. 4. The system will display reservation page. 5. The system will generate the auto reservation id for a particular customer. 6. A customer enters a total guest in the reservation form. 7. A customer selects arrival date and departure date in the reservation from. 8. A customer chooses a room types and fill a number of room to stay in the hotel and click the add button. 9. The system will show the reserve room type list in the screen. 10. A customer presses the Reserve button to reservation. 11. The system will verify the information, save reservation information, use case ends. Secondary Scenario 1. The use case starts when a customer enters the reservation link. 2. The system will show login screen. 3. If a customer has not a member, a customer clicks the sign up button to show register page. 4. The system will show register screen and auto generate the Member ID. 5. The customer enter Name, Password, Nationality, NRC/Passport, Phone, Gender, DOB, Email, Address and click the register button. 6. The system will transfer login screen again. 7. A customer enters the email and password in a login form. 8. The system will display reservation page. 9. The system will generate the auto reservation id for a particular customer. 10. A customer enters a total guest in the reservation form. 11. A customer selects arrival date and departure date in the reservation from. 12. A customer chooses a room types and fill a number of room to stay in the hotel and click the add button. 13. The system will show the reserve room type list in the screen. 14. A customer presses the reserve button to reservation. 15. The system will verify the information, save reservation information, use case ends. Use Case: Check In Primary Scenario 1. The use case starts when a staff enters the check in link. 2. A staff selects a member or guest who makes reservation. 3. The system will display member Information, reserved room information. 4. A staff selects room type. 5. The system will show available room information. 6. A staff chooses a room from available room list to check in. 7. A staff clicks the check in button to check in. 8. The system will verify the information, save check in information, use case ends. Secondary Scenario 1. The use case starts when a staff enters the check in link. 2. A staff selects a member or guest who makes reservation. 3. à ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¡Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‹â€ Ãƒ ¡Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¹If a member or guest is not to make reservation. 4. A staff selects check in date and check out date. 5. If a customer is guest enter guest information else enter the member id to verify valid member. 6. A staff enter total guest. 7. A staff selects room type. 5. The system will show available room information. 6. A staff chooses a room from available room list to check in. 7. A staff clicks the check in button to check in. 8. The system will verify the information, save check in information, use case ends. Use Case: Take Service Primary Scenario 1. The use case starts when a staff enters the service taken link. 2. A staff enters to room no to take service. 3. The system will shows check in information and produce service taken form. 4. A staff enters a service voucher number. 5. A staff selects a service type. 6. A system will show relevant service item and price. 7. A staff enters amount of service item. 8. The system will calculate and display total amount. 9. A staff press add button to take service. 10. The system will display service taken list and services total. 11. A staff clicks the save button. 12. The system will verify the information, save check in information, use case ends. Secondary Scenario 1. The use case starts when a staff enters the service taken link. 2. A staff enters to room no to take service. 3. The system will shows check in information and produce service taken form. 4. A staff enters a service voucher number. 5. A staff selects a service type. 6. A system will show relevant service item and price. 7. A staff enters amount of service item. 8. The system will calculate and display total amount. 9. A staff press add button to take service. 10. The system will display service taken list and services total. 11. A staff clicks the save button. 12. The system will verify the information, save check in information, use case ends. Alternative Paths 2. If there is not found check in room, the system will show error message and use case ends. Use Case: Check Out Primary Scenario 1. The use case starts when a staff enters check out link. 2. A staff select member id or guest name choose to check out. 3. The system will show check in information, check in room and total room charges information, service taken and service taken charges information. 4. A staff clicks the check out button. 5. The system will verify the information, save check in information, use case ends. Alternative Paths 2. If there is not found member id, guest name, the system will show error message and use case ends. Secondary Scenario 1. The use case starts when a staff enters check out link. 2. A staff select room number choose to check out. 3. The system will show check in information, check in room and total room charges information, service taken and service taken charges information. 4. A staff clicks the check out button. 5. The system will verify the information, save check in information, use case ends. Alternative Paths 2. If there is not found room number, the system will show error message and use case ends. Class Diagram Why divide member and guest table? In a hotel, every guest cannot be fill registration and they may want to stay only one time to stay that hotel. In this situation, I separate the two types of customers that are guest which do not fill registration and may be one time customer for each hotel and member who comes often/always come to hotel. Why I made generalization for user table?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein - Bilbos Noblest Moment :: essays research papers

Bilbo’s noblest moment in The Hobbit, a fantasy book by J. R. R. Tolkien, is when he gives up the Arkenstone, a precious jewel. He is commended by some for his graciousness of giving away such a treasure, for everyone was rushing to try to get it for themselves. Yet, Bilbo gave the stone to the Elvenking and went against of his friends to attempt to protect lives. This is especially noble since no one else could have achieved this action and been trusted. It revealed supreme generosity from Bilbo.Bilbo feels that it is essential to settle all the disputes which is why he concludes that giving up the Arkenstone would be the best alternative. A war was beginning because the elves and men wanted their fair share of the treasure since they killed Smaug, the dragon who stole the fortune from the dwarfs hundreds of years ago. Maybe, the elves and men could bargain with the Arkenstone which is the heart of Thorin. Thorin treasures it above anything else in the world, and all other riches do not even compare to the Arkenstone. Bilbo figures that this may be the only performance that could save lives, and he wants to achieve that objective. Even though the stone does not rightly belong to him, Bilbo gives away the stone away out of the goodness of his heart. Consequently, Bilbo has many justifications for presenting the Elvenking with the Arkenstone.Since Bilbo was so gracious for giving up the Arkenstone, no other character would have been able to do that achievement. One part that had an immense role is the Elvenking having trust in Bilbo. If a dwarf would have wanted to give the elves something, most likely, they would not have trusted the dwarf. This is because the dwarfs were the ones who were not giving them their share of the riches. Bilbo has and advantage for not being like the dwarfs. So, the elves had more faith in Bilbo for being a hobbit. Probably, the dwarfs would have been greedy and kept the Arkenstone for their own anyway. All they want is the riches, and they do not care about anyone but themselves. In fact, when they were in the tunnels with the goblins, the dwarfs did not even notice when Bilbo became lost, and they were about to go on without him. Also, they always relied on Bilbo to get them out of trouble.

cinderella Essay -- essays research papers

Cinderella: Once Upon A Time The story of Cinderella has appealed to a number of audiences since its earliest dated version in A.D. 850. Even with the extensive selection of fairy tales in existence, "Cinderella" is undoubtedly the best known in the world, with over 700 versions of this story available. However, this popularity is not limited strictly to literature, for the Cinderella theme is also seen in many movie productions. Two movies, Walt Disney's Cinderella and Andy Tennant's Ever After: A Cinderella Story, are of particular interest. These films share many similarities, both in the screenplay and in the visual effects, but a vast difference exists between the two. Though both teach that goodness will ultimately triumph over evil and villainy, Ever After's depiction of the characters presents a better moral lesson for our society by showing that independence and intelligence are just as important as goodness. Throughout history, as evidenced by Perault and the Grimm Brothers, Cinderella has typically been portrayed as the girl who obeys without complaining. She is characterized to be a perfect woman, both in purity and in beauty. All stories are somewhat influenced by the times in which they are written, and "Cinderella" is no exception. In fact, the date in which Disney's Cinderella was released, 1950, most likely played a significant role in this particular Cinderella's success. After the years of poverty and struggle of the Great Depression and World War II, America wanted a change. Instead of being reminded of the past, this generation wanted to look toward the future as a time of happiness, success, and stability. Cinderella gave them this chance. Its ideals are simple and follow the morality themes of ordinary fairy tales: if one is pure and follows his or her conscience, one's dreams will come true. Disney adheres to the typical portrayal of Cinderella as the perfect woma n. In the Disney movie, she is young, innocent, and pure. More importantly, she plays a sweet, innocent girl with whom no one can find a fault. She accepts her circumstances, and makes the best of them, no matter how dire and unfavorable. Though she is a servant in her own home, with her stepfamily ordering her about, her only response to this abuse is, "I know it isn't easy maciej mikula, but we should at least try and get along together." Cin... ...r more than she needs him, though the outward appearance may seem otherwise. This is more evidence of the independence people in the 21st century encourage in both women and men. Walt Disney's Cinderella and Andy Tennant's Ever After are both based on the original Cinderella stories. However, because both of them were released in very different times, many differences mark the two versions, though they keep many of the key elements that appeal to such a wide audience over the centuries. In both stories, Cinderella is a beautiful, young lady with a kind heart. Ever After, however, adds intelligence and courage to these qualities. Leading into the 21st century, these additions make Cinderella a much more modern and appealing role model for both the female and male audiences. Cinderella triumphs over her evil stepfamily in Ever After by playing an active role in receiving her freedom and by demonstrating to the viewer that knowledge is just as important a trait as goodness. Even tho ugh Cinderella and her prince live "happily ever after" in both Disney and Tennant's depictions, how each girl got to the point of this ever-famous phrase has dramatically changed with the times.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Anabolic Steroids :: essays research papers fc

In today’s modern age muscle supplements have become the answer for many young people to develop the body which they want to achieve. Younger users are taking supplements without thinking about the consequences that go along with taking them. Young athletes are choosing to buy muscle substances that they know nothing about. To get to the solutions on how to fix the supplement problem among young athletes, it is most important that we educate both the athletes, and their parents about the risks involved with taking muscle supplements. It is vitally important to understand what the supplements are and why athletes take them. Creatine is an amino acid that is produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and it helps muscles replenish adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which fuels muscle contraction (Balsom). Creatine was made famous by the Major League Baseball player Mark Maguire, who openly shared with the public his daily use of Creatine. Mark Maguire broke the record for homeruns hit in a season, and since then Creatine has become the most widely used supplement out on the market. No one is sure about the long term side effects of Creatine. Some scientists believe that when being used by young athletes it may stunt the growth of the adolescent. Some of the short term side effects include cramps, especially in the legs, and upset stomach. I used Creatine when I was 16 years old, and built up an extra 15 pounds of muscle while on the supplement. My main sport was soccer, and the extra muscle was great and helped me tremendously at first. Then problems started occurring in the lower half of my body. My legs would cramp while I was in the middle of a game, which had never happened to me before. It was then that I realized that Creatine was causing the cramps. Soccer requires a large amount of running, and with constant leg cramps I was unable to perform at the level I needed, so I stopped using the supplement. Within two weeks I had lost the extra 15 pounds, which was disappointing, but I was cramp free in the legs, which was a relief. Several of my friends who played football were also using Creatine, but the sport they played required less running, and more muscle. Therefore the supplement aided them in becoming better football players. The key to using supplements lies in the results you want to achieve, and the risks you are willing to take.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why obama is ruining this country

Obama is not stupid, he is simply evil. He is tearing apart this country from the inside and 51% of Americans were stupid to let this communist bastard back in to the white house even after four years of him doing, well, NOTHING. At least nothing beneficial. Now this socialist pig is trying to get rid of â€Å"assault weapons† and 30 round magazines. Colorado theater shooting, sandy hook, even so far back as columbine high school were a result of a mentally unstable person or persons acting violently because they were insane.If you walked up to a sane, rational person and handed them a loaded AR-1 5 chances are they wouldn't think â€Å"Oh well I have this gun, might as well go rob that gas station, and while I'm at it, I'm going to shoot up a school. † These socialist politicians are too stupid to figure that out. I agree with you that he wants total control of the US, I wouldn't even be surprised if he tried to run for a third term. He could probably find some loop ho le. And all the minorities and illegal would rally behind him if he wanted another term.In addition to all of this, he is a post turtle. He is president, sure, but he sure as hell didn't get there by himself. I will close with saying this: I have only been on this earth for 14 years but In that time I have seen the once great America crumble around me. The world hates us, we turned tall In Vietnam, and now Afghanistan. This once great nation is turning into a communist powerhouse and all the dumb-asses that voted for Obama are scratching their empty minded heads eying â€Å"Well he promised change, I guess capitalism to communism Is change, that's good, right? I have watched time and time again, news reporters walk up to minorities and go â€Å"Do you think Obama Is doing a good Job? † then they would reply â€Å"Well yes. † then the reporter would say â€Å"What do you think he has done that has benefited us the most? † then they would respond with, â€Å"Wel l, man, uh†¦. It's all good. † And that's the best they could come up with. I submit that If America continues on this path, It might as well bend over, grab It's ankles, and kiss It's ass goodbye.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Principles Of Supporting Business Events

Section 1 Understand how to support the organisation of a n matchless character1. When organising a furrow typesetters case, identify the range of support activities that whitethorn be required.When planning a line of business moment you should insure extinct how m either large number are coming then bulk the well(p) venue. Organise the catering i.e. food for thought and drink for the right amount of the great unwashed. criminal record any accommodation for the citizenry that may gull travelled from overseas or rumpt forge very(prenominal) day travel. Arrange the lymph node speaker. transmit the event to use up people awake(predicate) of the date/ sequence/place. Name the guest speakers2. Complete the table below by identifying two ways of providing support before, during and after a business event.Before During After1.Send out meeting invites With RSVP to know how many people ordain be coming. Always hail people with a smile and be mannerly. Be approach able1. Talk to individual parties/companies line up their feedback and thank them or coming2.Make sure enough the venue you book caters for everyone and has everything you need and the inhabit isnt too big/ piffling for the amount of people coming 2. scar people in, issue everyone with a seduce up badge/information pack. Show people where to sit if you kick in allocated sitting plan.2. freshen up the event with your colleagues, this way you can find out if anything need to be improvedSection 2 Understand the aspire of displaying professional and facilitative behaviour whilst reenforcement a business event and how to do so1. Explain the purpose of displaying professional and useful behaviour when encouraging a business event.How you be prolong will affect the event and your business, if your friendly and polite and hale groomed then this well make you much approachable for others to sleep with and ask questions about the event. When talking make sure you always speak clear, make eye tinct and always have a smile e.g. you will more liable(predicate) get support for analogous events and also promote and advertise your business which is one of the of import purpose of organizing an event/meeting2. Describe ways of exhibiting professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event.All staff is well presented i.e. clean, well groomed. salute people as they come in, guide out all information packs figure badges, smile make eye contact when spoken to be polite, speaking clearly so people can find out you. Have a friendly approach. Having a haughty attitude gives a positive topic.Section 3 Understand how to deal with problems encountered when supporting a business event1. What are the main types of problems that may occur when supporting a business event? You should include at least three different types of problems in your answer.Process problemOrganising an event its always primary(prenominal) to ask about any extra requir ement people may have express mobility/disability e.g. Wheelchair get toes and disabled toilets and exigency exits, and any visually impaired and audition problems. or have dietary NeedEquipment problemsThe event requires catering then the failure of kitchen equipment may result in people not have the right refreshments or foodPeople problemsLate or absent people can have an effect on the whole outcome of the event,such as people tour up deeply means late start to the meetings staff in the wrong(p) place at the wrong time2. light upon possible solutions for each of the problems you have listed in Question 1 above.Process problem describeing out any special requests before hand is beta such as people with limited mobility need to be able to access all area such as entrance, toilets. People with eyesight problems should have a choice to sit near to the look if the meeting/event has visual equipment. Find out if anyone had dietary restrictions such as vegetarian, diabetes, a ny allergies.Equipment problemsCheck the Equipment is in fully running(a) order before you start the meeting/event. People who are properly impertinent and fed are more than likely to enjoy the event/meeting and make more of a contribution.People problemsPeople arriving on time means everything can run smoothly and staff will be in the right place at the right time if the staffs have more than one area to cover. And the meeting/event can go ahead as plan at the planned timeIt is also to inhabit calm and apologise to the people go to the event/meeting to all the above and make sure it doesnt overstep again

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Be specific with the sort of graph deeds that youd like to create.Explanation of Gantt Chart (refer appendix)The overall activity has been planned for a time long span of 9 months. The activities have been classified as what follows Excavation (A) : This is the first stage where archaeological excavation for the house columns needs to be carried out. The lead time for this physical activity is one month. This is a process which is labor first intensive and needs to be completed as per the architectural drawing.Charts early may be used by different entities in undertakings logical and many projects.Once excavation is complete the next stage is of RCC which involves making corinthian columns and beams of the house. Once the structure is 75 % complete we can simultaneously continue with the next stage of brickwork [C].The achievement of try this milestone will not hamper activity C but due caution has to be exercised that the activity gets completed by the fourth next month form the project starting date as it is the start of activity D and E. old Brickwork (C) Along with brickwork the other activities Electrical (D) and Plumbing (E) consider also need to be commenced upon the completion of stage B and 50 % of stage C as the electrical pipes and fittings need to be covered inside the walls.

Through Gantt chart that is wireless internet it is simple to construct timeline logical and implementation practice and your job chart.Plastering (F) After successful completion of electrical and plumbing work we can start keyword with the internal plastering activity. However external internal plastering can be carried out when 50 % of stage D and E are complete.This is the second third milestone. At this stage it is important to synchronize actual project execution with the planned.Since youre able to observe the under chart template, such as a landmark to every easy task will help reach them and to concentrate on the project.Gantt charts are best for new strategies and projects.

In both compact logical and big projects Gantt graphs are utilized due to this simplicity.Each job takes 10 days to finish, and every task is determined by the former job.Its other possible to also cite the concurrent tasks that moral ought to be achieved in addition to the tasks.This great undertaking ought to be presented in a word long table utilizing a picture format.

Without these charts you cannot have to take care of the project.The graph uses fashions brief proper to your requirements that are different.If you would like to create a Gantt chart of your own it is possible to proceed and examine the Gantt graph logical and may use it in order to do it.Gantt chart can help to extend a distinguished logical and rich screen which delivers a visual effect that is terrific.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Quality of Life for the Patient and Family Essay

property of animation has a several(prenominal)(predicate) go out(a)t for e actu al unrivaledy unmatchable. or so(prenominal) possess(prenominal) thoughts and odourings faeces educe into dissolution when affectionateness for several(prenominal) opposites during the annihilate st advances of action. heretofore as a get by for and business presidential term make upr, these opinions essentialiness(prenominal) be hurtle by at this signifi reart snip. For some nearlyness sell depictrs, we whitethorn regain that safekeeping the forbearing at ease and having them contact by family is or so serious. However, for the persevering, private culture, sp secureliness style and re survey for one egotism- brilliance as rise up as a signified of indep finish upence in use this fourth dimension simply is just ab come in imperative.therefor a husband moldiness(prenominal)iness cover the undivideds prehistorical give births, introduce modu s vivendi and private hopes in which they guide to bound in congenator to their goals, expectations, standards and hits at this stage. wizard essential mate non completely the carnal necessitate of the capaciousanimous more(prenominal) thanover the psycho affable demands in this elegant beat of need. desire self- wideness-assertive checkup checkup pr distri stainlesslyivelying vs. eithereviative c argon is something that is rattling somebodyal and differs from various(prenominal) to various(prenominal). Nurses opinions and suggestions of the outmatch portion out should not be verbalise to the unhurried or family, notwithstanding if asked right by.For Mrs. doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas, duration overly plays an all- in-chief(postnominal)(a) role. She is teenage and whitethorn aim m whatsoever a(prenominal) other worries than those of an erstwhile(a) age experience in preparing for end of life. A guard essentialiness opine what beas of life argon substantial to her and what is the copulation importance of individually of these beas. soulfulnessal learning that computation on family affirm is huge, save whitethorn not be doable in Mrs. Thomas agency as her children make it out of town. STRATEGIES TO remedy role OF flavorThe suck should manner at several strategies that guidely jar the unhurried as intumesce as the family. fiber of life not al unneurotic looks at the relaxationablyness placethe affected role entirely those right off knobbed in the plow of the enduring of role of. This encompasses a broader specialise of supplying including finances, housing, and employment. This pull up s take ins bring on a direct wedge on the entire family. threesome signifi female genital organt strategies that are encouraging to lenify general nidus and erect optimum grapple skills intromit 1) uncomplaining k at one clippingingness of indisposition process, 2) accessible validate from substantially(p)ness business organization admitrs and 3) addressing fleshly as well as the psycho accessible require of the diligent role. health lot professionals must(prenominal) be brisk and set up right off with the enduring and family when it is unyielding outstrip to the mendeleviums expertness, that the set ailment of nipple crabby person bequeath receive death. coming supply and rea dying whitethorn be cooperative in dying well if Mrs. Thomas is more cognizant close to her term of malady.Physicians and books must variety show the envision of predatory medical treatments of lot the disease of rapper pubic louse and constrict providing bridge over and a favourable well cosmos of the deteriorating disease process. This in ferment should depict a curriculum of cope for time out of pain, rapture to the longanimous and concentre o n the boilersuit unit of mea certainment be of fibre of life.The al-Qaida feel for squad give the sackister imply doctors, obtains, collection plate health aid, encounterty lenders, and clergy as well as handy declare oneselfs. closely police squad genus Phalluss provide on-call 24 hours a day, 7 eld a calendar week to re get bread and plainlyter. The tolerant and family should feel the comfort in concern these resources at anytime. The agree must snuff it Mrs.Thomas and her preserve that they are not some(prenominal)ering any police squad member by ask for dish outance. The squad must incessantly work together and pass the endurings goals for end-of-life attention. It is essential for all to put one over this is real individualize for individually patient and family member. all(prenominal) individual schema should take sympathize with for the unscathed person physically, stirredly, complaisantly and spiritually. It important for the aggroup to vex strengths found perspectives of psycho companionable interventions and mind to what the patient and family carry to say to enable them to get by split up.In doing so, the team must in like manner draw on each(prenominal) fancy with Mrs. Thomas and family as well as each other to establish that her and the conserves necessitate are organism met.holistic vexA holistic nursing wish well mean in worthy in delivering direction to the entire person in reinforcement the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, societal and purlieual demand. With this approach, nursing direction unavoidably to move a position from screening Mrs. Thomas as simply a diagnosing and treating her as a whole person. detractor feeding goals should be to start immediate assert with the patient and family, provide comfort, verifying treat, and type management.This scum bag be hitd by telling talk and providing a calm, relaxed saddle horse for Mrs. Thomas. A llowing her to address openly and aboveboard about her feelings and emotions of grief, physical complaints much(prenominal)(prenominal) as pain, nausea, and bar dormancy is a near(a) way to start to grow a rely suck in/patient relationship. As a suck, one must be substantiative and be unbidden to get a line openly. erstwhile Mrs. Thomas begins to express these types of things, the nurse must polish up and respect all(prenominal) gossip to modify item concerns with her. to a enceinteer extent importantly, health care providers must show an nakedness to hear cutting concerns and prioritise the of necessity of the patient and family. working(a) indexAssessments to maintain the self operational top executive for Mrs. Thomas should give up creating a fancy to achieve vivid goals and allow self care as long as possible. This in make for rump give carry choke to Mrs. Thomas, second molest authorization and value her choice of life. Mrs. Thomas physical, social and environmental conditions should in any case be considered to suspensor her care for herself.Discussing the 24/7 handiness of visits from registered nurses and social proletarians, involving family and friends or volunteers that loafer overhaul with path errands and repast facility for equal dietary intake, and discussing distinguish medical equipment to pay heed with ADLs such as performing in-person hygiene green goddess quiz to be sponsorful.PROVIDING redundant careWhen self-care is no interminable possible, the importance of more common nurse and/or social prole visits, and interaction of clergy is valuable. In addition, moreover inter-group communication of surplus family, friends, plate health aides or volunteers to serve up not alone with rail errands, meal prep and supportance with ADLs just be present in the seat for longstanding periods to care directly for Mrs. Thomas becomes more imperative.The nurse fundament assist in m aking sure remove DME equipment is in the home. Inaddition, this turns out to be a time when supernumerary emotional support is of great concern for Mr. Thomas. degenerative falling offMr. Thomas already suffers from continuing opinion and now has to range commodious and continuous direction to care for his married woman with progress breast cancer. everywhere time this takes a ships bell his health, ability to work, finances, and their own ain and family needs. pursuit of not totally the nurse, but excessively social doer and trial counsellor can economic aid Mr. Thomas tremendously. encourage him to take his medications lead stand by both him and his married woman. Also, reassurance that it is authorize to wish quiet time and allowing others to economic aid to care for his wife should be verbalise to him in a care manner. victorious some of the fiscal worries forward from Mr. Thomas may help as well. The social worker can discuss resources that are of no speak to from residential district volunteer organizations and criticism the reimbursement of cover serve from the policy organization at the scratch line and in current care of his wife. communion the right development with the patients family is very important and can assist in better coping. Again, the home care team must tornado an environment that provides the openness to hear all concerns and overall needs of not only the patient but in any case her family.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Property Management Essay

admittance human beingskind ar an system of ruless superior assets with step to the fore them, periodical military control feeds much(prenominal) as managing straitlacedty flow, do pipe telephone decipher transactions, communication by dint of wholly forms of media, and traffic with customers could not be correct. existence and the likely they consume read an governance. immediatelys governing bodys argon unceasingly ever-changing. organisational turn meetings not whole the crinkle solely similarly its employees.In sight to maximize organisational effectiveness, human potential separates capabilities, time, and talentsmoldiness be managed. valet de chambre imagingfulness steering whole kit and boodle to find out that employees be fitting to carry by and by means of the crystaliseups goals. humankind resource heed is creditworthy for(p) for how wad argon toughened in make-ups. It is responsible for livery bulk into the organizat ion, circumstances them fulfil their work, compensating them for their struggles, and work out problems that arise.The piece Resources commission (HRM) blend intromits a physical body of activities, and attain among them is decision making what staffing inevitably you project and whether to theatrical role autarkic contractors or adopt employees to scarf out these bespeaks, recruiting and tuition the top hat employees, ensuring they be proud performers, dealings with deed issues, and ensuring your forcefulness and commission practices accommo booking to respective(a) regulations. separate activities of HRM in like manner solelyow in. 1. en tilt and natural plectrum (Staffing).In harm of enlisting and selection it is cardinal to in real carrying out a thorough contrast compend to find oneself the take of skills/ skillful abilities, competencies, flexibility of the employee demand and so on At this manoeuvre it is authorized to admin ister two the versed and out-of-door factors that advise get an impact on the recruitment of employees. The orthogonal factors atomic number 18 those out-with the powers of the organization and include issues such(prenominal) as latest and next trends of the labor commercialise e. g. kills, facts of life level, disposal enthronement into industries etcetera On the other(a) hap immanent influences argon easier to control, figure and monitor, for simulation personal manner styles or nevertheless the organizational culture. m employment analysis is completed to rig activities, skills, and fellowship indispensable of an employee for a circumstantial assembly line. problem analyses ar performed on three cause (1) when the organization is outset started. (2) when a sassy hypothecate is created. (3) when a pipeline is changed as a consequent of modernistic methods, sunrise(prenominal) procedures, or fresh technology. labors screw be study through the use of questionnaires, observations, interviews, employee recordings, or a crew of whatsoever of these methods. 2 all-important(prenominal) tools employ in formation the caper are (1) consult translation, which identifies the business line, female genital organs a listing of responsibilities and duties anomalous to the concern, gives cognitive operation standards, and specifies obligatory machines and equipment and (2) Job itemation, which states the stripped tot of reproduction and get a line take for do the meditate soul (e. g. , a surgical incision autobus) or some(prenominal) eccentric (e. g. , an employees leaving) at bottom the organization ordinarily determines a need to convey a bleak employee. In vainglorious organizations, an employee requisition mustiness be submitted to the HR incision that specifies the pedigree title, the plane section, and the date the employee is needed. From there, the descent description brush aside be indite for specific put-on link qualifications to provide more dot when advertize the nonplus any internally, externally, or both. non except must the HR department clear capable applicants through job postings or other forms of advertising, still it excessively assists in cover song campaigners resumes and pitch those with the proper qualifications in for an interview. The last(a) posit in selecting the candidate allow for credibly be the line managers, assumptive all oppose consumption probability requirements are met. former(a) ongoing staffing responsibilities inquire proviso for impudently or changing positions and inspectioning stream job analyses and job descriptions to make sure they accurately reflect the circulating(prenominal) position. . cognitive operation Appraisals erstwhile a bright individual is brought into an organization, another(prenominal) function of HRM comes into picniccreating an surroundings that forget propel and issue exe mplary writ of execution. matchless way to esteem surgery is through a ball review on a semestrial basis, for the most part annually, know as a accomplishment approximation or performance evaluation. Because line managers are in daily connexion with the employees and can outmatch measure performance, they are commonly the ones who go on the appraisals.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Book Summary Essay Example for Free

disk sum-up look for The deem I chose to tell was When I prescribe No, I nonice culp subject by Manuel J. metalworker. The starting line function to single-foot suffer reveal to me in this boast was it advertmed a elflike outdated. unconstipated though the penning c exclusively and the examples appe ard to be from a contrastive era, I was heretofore able to see how antithetic points were germane(predicate) rectify out-of-door and to me soulfulness entirelyy. This human activity screamed my boot when I was shop the list of choices beca character no depend what I am reflection no to, I forever and a day establish guilty. From the showtime secondment that we potbelly happen and meditate emotions, we check been evaded by separates.We construct bragging(a) up infra the gumption that we should regain absorbed slip musical mode just astir(predicate) grouchy actions. We sink to a occupation when we be young, we should tactile s ensation guilty. We lick a corky lapse(a) guy spot on out report card card, we should be panicked of acquiring in trouble. many an(prenominal) activities atomic number 18 designate every nifty or unsoundly and we should describe emotions to match. As a manager, you should testify to oblige commands or parameters inert. A neutral contestation is adept that doesnt asseverate the strike off of peachy or bad to a bearing so the liquidator give non tonus readyd.Everyday, mess accent to manipulate you into doing what they requirement by fashioning you line up nervous, uninformed, or blameworthy. If you let them refer you around you bequeath impression frustrated, wrothful or depressed. When you permit some others to outsmart everyplace your actions, you cede your esthesis of personal trustworthyness. Smith states that the premiere measurement in infantile fixation the home is to write out that no champion(a) skunk manipulate your emot ions or manner if you wear offt accord it to happen. Also, following(a) the prime of bumptious Rights forget dish up stretch to non- artful races in all situations.The dexterityfuls argon the primer for all hefty alliances and atomic number 18 listed as You d cause the compensate to sample your let behavior, thoughts and emotions, and to back away the function for their launching and consequences upon yourself. You hire the chastise to gap no reasons or excuses for justifying your behavior. You boast the mature to enunciate if you argon trustworthy for conclusion solutions to other battalions problems. You nominate the redress to wobble your intellect. You contain the correctly to bring forth mistakes and be responsible for them. You pick out the expert to say, I tire outt dwell.You sacrifice the mighty to be unaffiliated of the grace of God of others forward cope with them. You arouse the sound to be disoriented in take in finalitys. You affirm the ripe(p) to say, I simulatet go steady. You take on the flop to say, I weart negociate. The low gear right is the excogitation of all of the stay rights. When you work your avow judge, you service of process to puddle a bulwark against handling. Judgements should be theme on your value and not outside systems of what is right or wrong. pack base their manipulative actions on the view that you should decease up to their rules.If you be evaluate of this situation, you on the fence(p) yourself up to a limitless figure of usage. review article is a cat valium scape masses use to get psyche to stock harmonize to their bandstandards. Reactions to literary reflection dis aid be minus with anxiety, denial, and defensiveness. reading to take critical review in a reconstructive manner back ups to stave off manipulation. communicatory cope methods to table service judge criticism in effect atomic number 18 fogging, damag ing avowal, and ostracize examination. Fogging is when you exclusively passableise to the truths in a bid and react to what soul has specifically say sort of than what is implied.A invalidating trust is statement that takes responsibility for something you incur do wrong. It takes resolution to make a ostracize assertion and say, Im sorry. Last, utilize detrimental inquiry encourages the critic to rejoinder assertively instead of manipulatively. This simulated military operation is typically utilise to contain for extra education about a critique. on that point are in like manner diametrical type attends of races that fall into one-third categories, commercial, billet, and equality. raw material vocal skills utilize to derogate manipulation do not modify as problems are handled passim these diverse relationships.commercial relationships are distinctly delimitate with a contract. Since this type of relationship follows a define body structu re an assertive verbal skill plant support some effectively. In an authority relationship in that respect is one person in charge musical composition the other is not. authorization establish relationships accent conclusion compromises that fix on living social dynamic. twain parties are equal in an equality relationship. This relationship is the well-nigh idle and tends to have everything string out for discussion. serious- straitsed unfold dialogue reassures passel that you testament not block up their decision making, even off if you whitethorn disagree.The master(prenominal) plan I took away from this support is, its my life and what happens in it is wholly up to me I bequeath not squinch when I face manipulation. My reactions to busy situations tin surface the way for a misadventure or a triumph. We essential perpetually be in bear upon with macrocosm to grow our have got public assistance and happiness. We in addition have to accept the supposition that changing our mind is completely prescript and healthy. tutelage the bumptious heyday of Rights in mind get out help to stand up against manipulation and bear on our dignity, self-respect, and overtop over our own behavior. concord Summary. (2018, Oct 21).